Monday, September 5, 2011

Abe and Me

This blog picture choice was taken  on a vacation visit to Gettysburg P.A. July 2011. Abe was sitting on a stone bench outside the visitor's center . I thought. If I sit by him I will become slender,tall and wise. It was not to be. The historian's ink tells us much about Abe. There are personal characteristics  noted  which Am drawn to and aspire to be penned in cursive at LeRoy's attic.

His faith,facetiousness,fellow shipping,learning and imagination are among  his log cabin depths of  person hood. My buddy Abe is to be esteemed for a willingness to allow the wisdom of others to teach him. Abe's relationship with Frederik Douglas is an example of importance. What would Lincoln's   thinking on reconstruction been like? He walked out of the fire forest of civil war and gave us the Gettysburg address. We wonder,  what would both have been if birthed in isolation?

  May we have fun,learn together and learn from each other as we prod open the paint shedding door to LeRoy's attic. Maybe C.S.Lewis has left a tale of  adventure atop the dusty far wooden ledge in the corner  . Lets find Narnia and check it out.I hope you will find the coffee to be of the fresh kind.The space to be scented of home made bread from the day's baking done in the hope you would stop bye I like the warmth of Abe's potbelly stove conversation. Thanks for coming bye. Welcome  lee.

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